Security Parameters

Security parameters allow you to control the password and authorization rules for user sessions.

  • Password rules determine the password strength requirements and how frequently passwords must be changed.

    Note: The instance security settings determine whether users are allowed to change their password while working in Archer. Verify with your IT administrator that your instance is configured to allow users to change their passwords. Instance parameters are managed in the Archer Control Panel.

  • Authorization rules determine how users can access their account, the length of a session, and the system behavior if a user locks him or herself out of the account.

You can create multiple security parameters, but only one security parameter is assigned to a user. You can designate a security parameter as the default parameter for all new user accounts.

If your instance is licensed for offline access or the mobile app, you must define security parameters for mobile users. These parameters include account lockout duration, session time-out behavior, active session restrictions, and sync alert behaviors.

Security parameters for a single sign-on

If your organization uses a single sign-on (SSO) solution, most security parameter settings are not applicable because your network enforces the following:

  • Password expiration
  • Account lockout
  • Time frames
  • Password strength requirements

After successfully authenticating, SSO solution users can access Archer with no need for defined security parameters.