Alias Names

Numerous operations in Archer require references to objects—everything from solutions, applications, and fields to individual values list values—to specify the target for a particular activity. One example is mail merge, in which you must create templates with unambiguous references to individual fields in an application. Another example is the process of mapping external data to fields in the Data Feed Manager. To provide a constant name that is also human readable, all Archer objects, such as workspaces, applications, fields, and notification templates, support an alias.

An alias is a short name for a unique object in the system that is human readable, but also can be used in code or as a reference in configuration processes. All aliases must contain only alphanumeric characters, beginning with a letter and containing no spaces. The maximum length is 40 characters.

An alias must be unique in the entity type. The following are additional points of consideration:

  • Field aliases must be unique in the level.
  • Values List Value aliases must be unique in a Values List.
  • Level, Data Driven Event, Report, and Workflow Stage aliases must be unique in an application.

You can edit the alias for non-system provided entities, but the alias for system-provided entities is read only.

Important: Applications cannot be named ContentID. Applications with this name are automatically changed to Content_ID.

Caution: Alias is used in configuration processes, system processes, and web service API integrations. Modifying the alias can cause these functions to fail.