
The Search feature provides a variety of options for searching records and generating real-time reports. From a simple keyword search to complex, multi-application searches using multiple filter options, you can locate data relevant to your business needs.

Use the following methods for searching:

  • Global Search: Global search enables you to search all applications in Archer using keywords and phrases that you enter into the search bar. For example, running a global search for the keyword "alert" returns all records throughout Archer that contain the term "alert." Global search is found on the workspace menu bar.
  • Search: Search enables you to search within a specific application or questionnaire in Archer. For example, running a search for the keyword "alert" within the Findings application returns all records within the Findings application that contain the term "alert." Searches are more detailed and thorough than a global search, with the addition of extra search criteria and narrowed scope. Search can be run in statistics mode, which enables you to display your search results in charts. Search can also be performed across multiple applications when the applications are related by a Cross-Reference, Related Record, CAST (cross-application status tracking), CAST Scorecard, or Scheduler field type.

Search provides more options for working with search results than global search. For example, after you complete running a search, you can: