Inline Editing

Inline Editing allows users to update content in cross-reference fields and any editable field in the Search Results page, Advanced Search, and Reports. Privileges to update field values are checked when users save changes, not when they enter a change in a field. If a user has insufficient privileges to save a changed field value, the save operation rejects the change and displays an error icon with explanatory hover text at the end of the record row.

Changes to fields used in rules that control data driven events (DDEs) cannot be saved. The save operation rejects these and all other changes in the same record.

When field changes are saved, calculated fields are not automatically updated to reflect field changes that impact their calculation. Changes made in a record that moves it through an Advanced Workflow are also not automatically updated. Refreshing the page updates the calculated field contents using the saved field values and updates a record in Advanced Workflow.

Inline editing for search results and reports

As a prerequisite to this option, you must enable the inline edit option for each field that you want users to modify in the applicable application or questionnaire.

Note: Inline Edit is not supported in fields that are a part of Data-Driven Event rules.

The following field types can be enabled for inline editing:

  • Text
  • Numeric
  • Date
  • Values List
  • Cross-Reference
  • Related Records
  • User/Groups List
  • Record Permissions

Bulk inline edit in a cross-reference grid

The bulk inline edit option allows you to update multiple records within a cross-reference grid in a record at once. As a prerequisite to this option, you must enable the Editable Grid Display option for the cross-reference field, as well as enable inline editing for each of the fields in the grid that you want to be able to edit. You must also grant users Bulk Inline Edit rights to the application.

  1. Open the record that contains the cross-reference grid.
  2. In the top-right corner of the grid, click Enable Inline Edit.
  3. Checkboxes appear next to each record, and header controls appear above each field column that is enabled for inline edit.

  4. Select the records you want to update. You can select individual records or all of the cross-referenced records.
  5. Enter new field values in the header controls.
  6. The new field value is copied down to all records in the grid that you selected.

  7. Do 1 of the following:
    • Save each record individually by clicking Apply.
    • Click Save Changes to bulk save the records.
    • Important: Archer can only save a maximum of 1,300 records per bulk save due to browser resource limitation. The bulk save limit is applicable to all browsers except for Mozilla Firefox.

Troubleshooting save failures for inline editing

Certain validations that are applied on the Record page during editing are only applied when saved using Inline Edit. Some attempts to save field values changed using the Inline Edit option can fail.

The following table describes how to troubleshoot save failures for inline editing.





You do not have the appropriate update permissions for the field or record.

Contact the administrator to get appropriate permissions.

Data Driven Event (DDE)

The field is used in a DDE rule and cannot be updated using inline editing.

Update the record using the View/Edit page.

Record Conflict

A newer version of the record content exists. The save failed to avoid overwriting the new version.

Refresh the page to get the new field value, change the value, and save.

Record Lock

Another user has the record locked against changes.

Retry changes after the record is unlocked.

Rule Validation

The changes to field values are not valid entries.

Modify the changes to be valid field entries. Alternately, update the record using the View/Edit page.

Unable to validate session. Please log on again.

You no longer have a valid session.

Log on to the system again.

The specified content does not exist in the system.

The record being updated has been deleted.

Contact the administrator.

Unable to update the record because a copy is currently enrolled in workflow.

The record being updated has a copy enrolled in workflow. Original records cannot be edited while a copy is enrolled in workflow.

Complete the workflow, then try again.

The record failed to update because you do not have appropriate permissions.

You do not have the appropriate update permissions for the field or record.

Contact the administrator to get appropriate permissions.

Not all updates were saved because the user does not have appropriate permissions.

You do not have the applicable permissions to update all fields. Only the fields to which you have permission are saved.

Contact the administrator to get appropriate permissions.

Record Lock

Another user has the record locked against changes.

Retry changes after the record is unlocked.

Record Conflict

A newer version of the record content exists. The save failed to avoid overwriting the new version.

Refresh the page to get the new field value, change the value, and save.

1 or more fields failed rule validation. This could be any of the following:

  • The [Field Name] field is a required field.
  • The value in the following field must be unique: [Field Name].
  • The value in the [Field Name] field exceeds the number of allowed decimal places (X).
  • The value of [Field Name] must be greater than or equal to X.
  • The value of [Field Name] must be less than or equal to X.
  • The number of values selected (X) in [Field Name] is less than the minimum number allowed (Y).
  • The number of values selected (X) in [Field Name] is greater than the maximum number allowed (Y).
  • Invalid email format for [Field Name].
  • Other text is required for field [Field Name].
  • The content [XXXXXXX] in field [Field Name] violates the required rule established in the related field.
  • The content [XXXXXXX] in field [Field Name] violates the minimum value of X established in the related field.
  • The content [XXXXXXX] in field [Field Name] violates the maximum value of X established in the related field.

The changes to field values are not valid entries.

Modify the changes to be valid field entries. Alternately, update the record using the View/Edit page.