System Functions

The following system functions work with variables specific to Archer and options to produce dynamic results.


The COMBINESELECTIONS function merges the Selected Values of all the Values List fields included in a function for 1 or more applications.

Important: The calculated Values List field must contain all of the Values List Values of the referenced Values Lists in order for all of the Selected Values to be shown. Also, the function performs a case-insensitive string comparison of the Selected Values, so it is possible that the Values List fields referenced in the function may refer to different Values Lists.

Return Type: Values List

Syntax: COMBINESELECTIONS([values_listfield1], [values_listfield2],[...])

In the above syntax, the expression must contain at least 1 values list field.

The following table describes COMBINESELECTIONS function parameters.




The values list fields that are being combined.


Additional values lists, up to a maximum of 255 items. The values list fields must be separated by commas.


The following table provides an example formula of the COMBINESELECTIONS function.




where the colors values list contains Red and Green in 1 related record and Green and Blue in another related record of the cross-referenced application.





The CONTAINS function is used to determine if any value within a list of values matches the value stored in a given field. If 1 of the values matches the field value, the function evaluates to TRUE and 1 value is returned. If there is no match between the list of values and the field value, the function evaluates to FALSE and another value is returned. The CONTAINS function must be used in conjunction with an IF function.

Although done infrequently, the CONTAINS function may be used to test whether the string value of a given Text field is equal to any 1 of a list of given string values. When a Text field is targeted, the string value in the field will be compared to the given test strings. Matching will be based on complete strings only. The function will not find a match based on a substring. For example, if the target Text field contains the value “Confiscated laptop”, CONTAINS will not find a match for a test string of “laptop”.

Return Type: TRUE or FALSE

Syntax: IF(CONTAINS(eval_type, field_ref, value1, value2...),value_if_true,value_if_false)

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes CONTAINS function parameters.




1 of the following evaluation type keywords:

  • ANY. Specifies that the targeted field must contain at least 1 of the given selections.
  • EXACT. Specifies that the targeted function must contain each of the given selections and only those selections
  • ALL. Specifies that the target field must, at a minimum, contain each of the given selections. When using ALL, CONTAINS will still return TRUE even if there are selections in the field in addition to the ones specified.

Note: When targeting a Text field, CONTAINS will return TRUE if 1 or more of the supplied test strings match the string value of the Text field. The behavior of EXACT and ALL is the same when targeting a text field. When using EXACT or ALL against a Text field, only 1 test string should be specified because a Text field can have only 1 value.


A reference to a field, for example, [field name]. The reference must be a Values List, User/Groups List, Record Permissions, or Text field.

value1, value 2, ...

Any 1 the following:

  • 1 or more string values supplied as a potential match for the values selected in the targeted list field. (When evaluating the selections in a Values List field, the test string values should be enclosed in a VALUEOF function.)
  • 1 or more references to additional Values List, User/Groups List, or Record Permissions fields. At runtime, the system will extract the list of selections in the supplied fields and treat those values as strings (or user/group IDs) to be tested against the selections in the targeted field.
  • Note: When referencing multiple fields to obtain test values, all fields must be of the same type and that type must match the type of the target field. When referencing a User/Groups List or Record Permissions field to obtain test values, the field reference must be wrapped in either the GETUSERS or GETGROUPS function to provide the proper context for retrieving the selections. Selections in User/Groups List and Record Permissions fields will be returned as IDs, while selections in a Values List field will be returned as strings.

  • A combination of both literal values and field references. At runtime, the system will extract the list of selections for any referenced field and, conceptually, marry those selections to the literal values provided to form a single list of selections to test against the target field.


The following table provides examples of the CONTAINS function.



IF(CONTAINS(ANY, [Location], VALUEOF([Office], "Chicago", "Local", "Global")))

where the selected value in Location is Chicago.


IF(CONTAINS(ANY, [Region], VALUEOF([Office], "Connecticut", "New York", "Massachusetts"), VALUEOF ([Office], "Kansas", "Illinois", "Texas"))


New York



The CONTENTID function returns a content record ID that uniquely identifies the current record within the context of the current application or sub-form. Content IDs are generated sequentially, beginning with the number 1.

Return Type: Numeric


This function does not have any parameters.


The following table provides an example formula of the CONTENTID function.



[Type Code] & "-" & TRACKINGID() & "-" & CONTENTID()

where the value in the Type Code field is WORM, the system-wide tracking ID is 678904 and the application-specific tracking ID is 34.



The GETGROUPS function returns a list of group IDs for the groups currently selected in a specified User/Groups List or Record Permissions field. The list of group IDs can then be evaluated by another function. For example, GETGROUPS might be used inside a CONTAINS function to determine whether a given group is contained in the list of groups retrieved from a specified User/Groups List field.

Return Type: Numeric

Syntax: GETGROUPS(field_ref)

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes the GETGROUPS function parameter.




A User/Groups List or Record Permissions field.


The following table provides example formulas of the GETGROUPS function.



IF(CONTAINS(ANY, GETGROUPS([Team]), GROUP(NAME, "Training", "Support", "IT")), "Yes”, “No”)

where the group "Training” (which is referenced by name here but converted to an ID at runtime) matches the ID of a group returned from the a User/Groups List field named Team.


IF(ISEMPTY(GETGROUPS([Reviewers]), "Empty - No groups selected", "Not Empty - 1 or more groups selected")

where 1 or more groups are currently selected in the Reviewers Record Permissions field.

In this example, ISEMPTY is only evaluating the Reviewers field for group selections, not user selections. In this example, ISEMPTY would have returned true if no groups were selected but 1 or more users were selected.

Not Empty – 1 or more groups selected

IF(AND(ISEMPTY(GETUSERS ([Reviewers]), ISEMPTY(GETGROUPS, ([Reviewers])),"Empty - No users or groups selected", "Not Empty - 1 or more users or groups selected")

where the Reviewers Record Permissions field has no selections.

To evaluate both user and group selections, 2 ISEMPTY functions can be wrapped in an AND function, as shown above.

Empty - No users or groups selected

IF(AND(CONTAINS(EXACT, GETGROUPS([Case Managers]), GROUP(NAME, "Training", "Support", "IT")), CONTAINS(EXACT, GETUSERS([Case Managers]), USER(LOGIN, "blair.gates", "alfred.turks", "betty.smalls"))), "All test users and groups are selected", "Test failed")

where the Case Managers Record Permissions field contains each of the test selections and only those selections.

To test a User/Groups List or Record Permissions field for a combination of user and group selections, 2 CONTAINS functions can constructed (1 to test for groups; 1 to test for users) and wrapped in an AND, OR or NOT function.

All test users and groups are selected


The GETUSERS function returns a single user ID for a user currently selected in a specified User/Groups List or Record Permissions field. The user ID can then be evaluated by another function. For example, GETUSERS might be used inside a CONTAINS function to determine whether a given user matches the ID of a user returned from a specified User/Groups List field.

Important: To ensure that this function returns no more than 1 user ID, you must set the Maximum Selections option in the Configuration section for a User/Groups List field or a Record Permissions field to 1. Otherwise, the GETUSERS function returns an error.

Return Type: Numeric

Syntax: GETUSERS(field_ref)

In the above syntax, the parameter in bold is required.

The following table describes the GETUSERS function parameter.




A User/Groups List or Record Permissions field.


The following table provides example formulas of the GETUSERS function.



IF(CONTAINS(ANY, GETUSERS ([Sales Rep]), USER(NAME, "Wilson, Jonah", “Kellerman, Kathy”, “Boone, Julia”)), "Yes”, “No”

where the user "Boone, Julia” (who is referenced by name here but converted to an ID at runtime) matches the ID of a user returned from the User/Groups List field named Sales Rep.


IF(ISEMPTY(GETUSERS ([Associate]), "Empty - No users selected", "Not Empty - 1 or more users selected")

where no users are currently selected in the Associate Users/Groups List field.

In this example, ISEMPTY is only evaluating the Associate field for user selections, not group selections. In this example, ISEMPTY would have returned true if no users were selected but 1 or more groups were selected.

Empty – No users selected

IF(AND(ISEMPTY(GETUSERS ([Reviewers]), ISEMPTY(GETGROUPS, ([Reviewers])),"Empty - No users or groups selected", "Not Empty - 1 or more users or groups selected")

where the Reviewers Record Permissions field has no selections.

To evaluate both user and group selections, 2 ISEMPTY functions can be wrapped in an AND function, as shown above.

Empty - No users or groups selected

GROUP Function

The GROUP function is used to maintain the validity of a formula reference to a specific group selection in a User/Groups List or Record Permissions field, even if the group name is changed later.

The GROUP function also directly accepts system-assigned group ID numbers. Each group in the system has an internal ID number that is guaranteed to be unique. For example, if 2 groups both named Support exist in the system, the group name cannot be resolved to determine whether the intended Support is selected in the given User/Groups List or Record Permissions field. However, a system ID (for example, 48761) can be used in place of the ambiguous group name to uniquely identify the correct Support group.

Return Type: Text or Numeric, depending on the format selected for the ref_type parameter

Syntax: GROUP(ref_type, value1, value2…)

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes GROUP function parameters.




Accepts the keyword NAME or ID. If NAME is specified, the function will inspect field selections by literal group name, for example, "Support". If ID is specified, the function will inspect group selections based on unique system-assigned ID numbers.

value1, value2…

1 or more values within a User/Groups or Record Permissions field.

NAME. If ref_type is NAME, group names must be passed exactly as they display in the User/Groups List or Record Permissions field. Matching will be case sensitive. When using NAME with GROUP, an error will occur during formula validation if any of the following is true:

  • If the named group cannot be found in any domain
  • If the named group is found in more than 1 domain
  • If the named group is found in a single domain but the group name is not unique within that domain

If the NAME string contains at least 1 @ sign, the system will assume that all text following the last @ sign is a domain reference and the system will attempt to locate that domain. If the NAME string does not contain a @ sign, the system will look for an exact match for the entire group name string in the Archer (NULL) domain and the default domain.

Note: The system will attempt to match the domain name against both active and deleted (for example, soft-deleted) domains. Only active domain names must be unique; it is possible that a deleted domain has the same name as an active domain. If the group name string exists in more than 1 of the domains that have the same name, the system will fail the formula on validation.

If the domain can be found:

  1. The system will treat all text in the name string before the last @ sign as the group name and will attempt to find that group within the domain.
  2. If the group is found within the domain, the system will replace the group name string in the formula with the ID of the group matching that login.
  3. If the domain cannot be found:
  4. The system will look for an exact match for the entire group name string in the Archer (NULL) domain and the default domain.
  5. If only 1 group with that name exists, the system will replace the group name string in the formula with the ID of that group.

ID. If ref_type is ID, the function will expect 1 or more system-assigned group ID numbers. The IDs in the list should be quoted. When using ID with GROUP, an error will occur during formula validation the group ID cannot be found in any domain.


The following table provides example formulas of the GROUP function.



IF(CONTAINS(ANY, GETGROUPS([Technician]), GROUP(NAME, "Tier 1", "Tier 4", “Tier 9”)), "Priority", "Standard")

where the group "Tier 4" is selected in the Technician User/Groups List field.


IF(CONTAINS(ANY, GETGROUPS([Technician]), GROUP(ID, 76712, 89766, 90287)),"Yes", "No")

where "Tier 9" is selected in the Technician User/Groups List field and that group’s unique system ID is 90287.



The ISCORRECT function evaluates a Values List question and determines whether the selected value is identified as “Correct” or “Incorrect.” Values are identified as either correct or incorrect on the Answer tab of the Define Fields page. The function evaluates to TRUE if the selected value is set as the “Correct” value. The function evaluates to FALSE if the selected value is not set as the “Correct” value. The ISCORRECT function must be used in conjunction with an IF function and can only be used against a Values List question within a questionnaire.

Return Type: Text, numeric, date or a Values List field selection, depending on the type of data supplied for the value_if_true and value_if_false parameters.

Syntax: ISCORRECT([field_ref])

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes the ISCORRECT function parameter.




A reference to the Values List question, for example, [question name].


The following table provides an example formula of the ISCORRECT function.



IF(ISCORRECT([Password Question]),“Compliant”,“Not Compliant”)

where the value selected for the question is identified as “Correct”.


ISEMPTY Function

The ISEMPTY function is used to determine if a given field contains a value or is blank (empty). The function evaluates to TRUE if the specified field is blank, for example, contains no value. The function evaluates to FALSE if the specified field is not blank (contains a value). The ISEMPTY function must be used in conjunction with an IF function.

Return Type: Text, numeric, date or a Values List field selection, depending on the type of data supplied for the value_if_true and value_if_false parameters.

Syntax: ISEMPTY([field_ref])

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes the ISEMPTY function parameter.




A reference to a field, for example, [field name].


The following table provides example formulas of the ISEMPTY function.



IF(ISEMPTY([Middle Name]), "No middle name", "Middle name is " & [Middle Name])

where Middle Name is a Text field containing no value.

No middle name

IF(ISEMPTY([Middle Name]), "No middle name", "Middle name is " & [Middle Name])

where Middle Name is a Text field containing the value Douglas.

Middle name is Douglas


The ISNUMBER function checks the specified value and returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether it is a number. You can use this function to get information about a value before performing a calculation or other action with it.

Return Type: TRUE or FALSE

Syntax: ISNUMBER(value)

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes the ISNUMBER function parameter.




The value that you want tested. The value argument can be a blank (empty cell), error, logical value, text, number, or reference value, or a name referring to any of these. Returns TRUE if Value refers to a number.

Note: The value arguments of the IS functions are not converted. Any numeric values that are enclosed in double quotation marks are treated as text. For example, in most other functions where a number is required, the text value "19" is converted to the number 19. However, in the formula ISNUMBER("19"), "19" is not converted from a text value to a number value, and the ISNUMBER function returns FALSE.


The following table provides an example formula of the ISNUMBER function.




Checks whether 4 is a number (TRUE)


The MOSTRECENTVALUE displays a specific value from the record that is evaluated as the "most recent" from a list of related records. For example, if a record in the Facilities application is related to multiple questionnaires, you could use this function to return the value of the Quantitative Summary field from the most recently submitted questionnaire.

Return Type: Text

Syntax: MOSTRECENTVALUE(field_to_display, date_criteria_field)

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes MOSTRECENTVALUE function parameters.




This is the reference for the field value that you want to display, for example, REF([Cross-Reference field name],[field name]).


This is the Date field that you will use to determine which of the related records has the most recent value, for example, REF([Cross-Reference field name],[Date field name]).


The following table provides an example formula of the MOSTRECENTVALUE function.



MOSTRECENTVALUE(REF([Risk Questionnaire],[Inherent Risk]), REF([Risk Questionnaire],[Submitted Date]))

where the value in the Inherent Score field of the record with the most recent Submitted Date value is "65".


NOVALUE Function

The NOVALUE function is used either to set a null value for a calculated Date, Text, or Numeric field or to set a calculated Values List field to have no selection. The NOVALUE function is only valid within the context of the IF function.

Note: The NOVALUE function cannot be passed to VALUEOF to clear selections from a calculated Values List field.

Return Type: None

Syntax: NOVALUE()

This function does not have any parameters.


The following table provides an example formula of the NOVALUE function.



IF([Rating] >=0, “Action Required”, NOVALUE())

where the value of Rating is less than 6 and the calculated field is a Text field .

The calculated Text field is set to null.


The OTHERTEXT function returns the text a user has entered in the "Other" field for the specified Values List field or Values List question.

Return Type: Text

Syntax: OTHERTEXT([field_ref])

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes the OTHERTEXT function parameter.




A reference to a Values List field or Values List question, for example, [question name].


The following table provides an example formula of the OTHERTEXT function.



OTHERTEXT([Severity of Last Security Incident])

where the name of the Values List question is "Severity of Last Security Incident" and the text entered in the Other field is "We have not had a security incident."

We have not had a security incident.

REF Function

The REF function returns a reference to a field that is a child field to a parent Sub-Form, Cross-Reference, Related Records, or Scheduler field. It can be used within another calculation that requires a set of fields or values as input. REF is only valid for use with the following field types:

  • Cross-Reference
  • Related Records
  • Sub-Form
  • Scheduler

Return Type: Text, Numeric, Date, or a Values List field selection, depending on the type of data returned from the referenced field

Syntax: REF(parent_field, child_field, data_level_name)

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes REF function parameters.




The name of the Cross-Reference, Related Records, Sub-Form, or Scheduler field. These field types are considered "parents" because they act as containers for other fields. For example, a Sub-Form field by itself does not have any value; values can only be derived from its child fields.


The name of a field that resides within the parent_field.


If a Cross-Reference field targets a multi-level application, the name of the level under which the field resides. Passing data_level_name is optional and is only necessary when a Cross-Reference field targets a multi-level application.

For a Scheduler field, the data_level_name is required, since Scheduler fields always target multiple levels. The Scheduler field always targets the Appointment application and may target either the resource application or 1 or more parent applications.


The following table provides example formulas of the REF function.



SUM(REF([Controls], [Risk]))

where Controls is a Cross-Reference field and Risk is a field in the cross-referenced flat application.

Cross-Reference to Flat Application

AVERAGE(REF([Response Measures], [Severity Rating], [Responses]))

where Response Measures is a Cross-Reference field, Responses is a level in the cross-referenced multi-level application and Severity Rating is a field in the Responses data level.

Cross-Reference to Multi-Level Application

COUNTA(REF([Baselines], [Name]))

where Baselines is a Related Records field and Name is a field in the application that contains the corresponding Cross-Reference field.

Related Records

COUNTA(REF([Actions], [Contact ID]))

where Actions is a Sub-Form field and Contact ID is a field in the sub-form associated with the Sub-Form field.


SUM(REF([SchedulerField],[Duration (Hours)],[Appointment]))

where SchedulerField is a scheduler field, Duration (Hours) is a field in the Appointment application and Appointment is the level through which the scheduler is referencing.

Scheduler Field reference to the Appointment application


The SELECTEDVALUENUMBER function extracts the numeric value from the values list item selected from a Values List field. If the Values List field allows multiple selections, this function must be used in conjunction with an aggregate function, as the following example shows:

SUM(SELECTEDVALUENUMBER([Multi-Select Values List Field]))

In addition, if you reference a Values List field in a cross-referenced application, both the Cross-Reference field used to form the application relationship and the Values List field in the related application must be single-select fields in order to use the SELECTEDVALUENUMBER function without wrapping it in an aggregate function. If either the Cross-Reference or Values List field allows multiple selections, an aggregate function must also be used, as shown in the following example:

AVERAGE(SELECTEDVALUENUMBER(REF([Multi-Select Cross-Ref Field], [Values List Field])))

If no numeric value is assigned to a values list item, that value will be treated as 0. The only exception is when the AVERAGE function is used in conjunction with the SELECTEDVALUENUMBER function. In this case, the null value will not be used in the calculation. Use the following values as an example:

Value A: 10

Value B: 5

Value C: no numeric value assigned

If the SUM function is used in conjunction with SELECTEDVALUENUMBER, Value C will be treated as 0 in the calculation. If all 3 values were selected in the Values List field, the result of the calculation would be 15. However, if the AVERAGE function were used and all 3 values were selected in the Values List field, Value C would be ignored in the calculation since it has no numeric value. The result would be 7.5.

Return Type: Numeric


In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes the SELECTEDVALUENUMBER function parameter.




A reference to a Values List field in the application, for example, [Risk Rating], a field in a child sub-form, for example, [Notes].[Risk Rating], or a field in a cross-referenced application, for example, [Vendors].[Risk Rating].


The following table provides example formulas of the SELECTEDVALUENUMBER function.




where the selected value in the Risk Rating field is “High” and the numeric value assigned to the value “High” is 10.


MAX(SELECTEDVALUENUMBER([Affected Departments]))

where the Affected Departments field is a multi-select Values List field, the selected values are “Operations” and “IT,” and the associated numeric values are 7 and 10, respectively.



where Vendors is a multi-select Cross-Reference field to the Vendors application, Risk Rating is a single-select Values List field in the Vendors application, the selected values in the related records are “High” and “Low,” and the associated numeric values are 10 and 8, respectively.



The TRACKINGID function returns a record ID that uniquely identifies the current record across all applications. This function could be used in conjunction with the CONTENTID function to produce a complex ID that combines the system-wide ID, the application-specific ID, and data pulled from other fields.

Return Type: Numeric


This function does not have parameters.


The following table provides an example formula of the TRACKINGID function.



[Type Code] & "-" & TRACKINGID() & "-" & CONTENTID()

where the Type Code field is WORM, the system-wide tracking ID is 678904, and the application-specific content record ID is 34.


USER Function

The USER function maintains the validity of a formula reference to a specific user selection in a User/Groups List or Record Permissions field, even if the user name is changed later. User references can be passed as either as literal names or logon IDs. A logon name can optionally be referenced by a specific domain.

For example, if the literal user name "Jones, Mary" is referenced in a formula within the USER function and that user’s name is subsequently changed to "Jones-Smith, Mary", the original user name reference will automatically be updated in the formula to "Jones-Smith, Mary".

As another example, user Mary Jones is referenced in a formula by her Archer logon name for the domain "". Her logon name should be passed to the USER function as "". If an administrator later changes Mary Jones’ logon name on that domain to "msmith", the original logon name will automatically be updated to "".

The USER function also directly accepts system-assigned user ID numbers. Each user in the system has an internal ID number that is guaranteed to be unique. For example, if 2 users both named Graham, Ned exist in the system, the user name cannot be resolved to determine whether the intended Graham, Ned is selected in the given User/Groups List or Record Permissions field. However, a system ID, for example, 76219, can be used in place of the ambiguous user name to uniquely identify the correct Graham, Ned.

Return Type: Text or Numeric, depending on the format selected for the ref_type parameter

Syntax: USER(ref_type, value1, value2…)

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes USER function parameters.




Accepts the keyword NAME, LOGIN, or ID.

  • If NAME is specified, the function will inspect field selections by literal user name, for example, "Jones, Mary".
  • If LOGIN is specified, the function will inspect user selections based on logon name, rather than user name, for example,
  • If ID is specified, the function will inspect user selections based on unique system-assigned ID numbers.

value1, value2…

1 or more values within a User/Groups or Record Permissions field.

  • NAME. If ref_type is NAME, user names must be passed exactly as they display in the User/Groups List or Record Permissions field. If passing a user’s name, the name must be specified in the following format: "lastname, firstname". Matching will be case sensitive. The system will test only against non-deleted users.
  • When using NAME with USER, an error will occur during formula validation if any of the following is true:

    • If the named user cannot be found in any domain
    • If the named user is found in more than 1 domain
    • If the named user is found in a single domain only but the user name is not unique within that domain.
  • LOGIN. If ref_type is LOGIN, the function will expect 1 or more Archer user logon name values. Matching will be performed against users’ logons rather than by their last and first names.
  • When using LOGIN with USER, an error will occur during formula validation if any of the following is true:

    • If the user referenced by logon cannot be found in any domain
    • If the user referenced by logon is found in more than 1 domain

    If the LOGIN string contains at least 1 @ sign, the system will assume that all text following the last @ sign is a domain reference and the system will attempt to locate that domain. If the LOGIN string does not contain a @ sign, the system will look for an exact match for the entire login string in the Archer (NULL) domain and the default domain.

    Note: The system will attempt to match the domain name against both active and deleted, for example, soft-deleted, domains. Only active domain names must be unique; it is possible that a deleted domain has the same name as an active domain. If the logon string exists in more than 1 of the domains that have the same name, the system will fail the formula on validation.

    If the domain can be found:

    1. The system treats all text in the logon string before the last @ sign as the user logon name and will attempt to find that user logon within the domain.
    2. If the logon is found within the domain, the system will replace the logon string in the formula with the ID of the user matching that logon.

    If the domain cannot be found:

    1. The system will look for an exact match for the entire logon string in the Archer (NULL) domain and the default domain.
    2. If only 1 user with that logon exists, the system will replace the logon string in the formula with the ID of the user matching that logon.
  • ID. If ref_type is ID, the function will expect 1 or more system-assign user ID numbers. User IDs are assigned by the system and are always unique. User IDs are numbers and should not be quoted. When using ID with USER, an error will occur during formula validation if any of the following is true referenced user ID cannot be found in any domain.


The following table provides example formulas of the USER function.



IF(CONTAINS(ANY, GETUSERS([Technician]), USER(NAME, "Thurman, Laurie", "Winters, George")), "Standard", "Priority")

where the user "Thurman, Laurie" is selected in the Technician User/Groups List field.


IF(CONTAINS(ANY, GETUSERS([Reviewer]), USER(NAME, "Jasper, Susan", "Miner, Burt", "Rollins, Jacob")), "Yes", "No")

where the user "Miner, Burt" is selected in the Reviewer Record Permissions field.


IF(CONTAINS(ANY, GETUSERS([Manager]), USER(LOGIN, "kjackson", "", "", "smartin")),VALUEOF([Alert], "Escalate"), VALUEOF([Alert], NOVALUE()))

where "Barnett, Tina" is selected in the User/Groups List field and her Archer logon ID for the "" domain is "tbarnett".

The value "Escalate" is selected in the Alert Values List field.

IF(CONTAINS(ANY, GETUSERS([Associates]), USER(ID, 76299, 56897, 79867)),”Found”, ”Not Found”)

where "Eastman, Tina" is selected in the User/Groups List field and her system user ID is 79867.



The USERFIRSTNAME function returns the first name of either the record creator or the record editor. The creator is defined as the user who created the record (or is currently creating the record). The editor is defined as the user who last edited the record.

Return Type: Text

Syntax: USERFIRSTNAME(user_type)

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes the USERFIRSTNAME function parameter.




Accepts the keyword CREATOR or EDITOR. If CREATOR is specified, the function returns the first name of the user associated with creating the record. If EDITOR is supplied, the function returns the first name of the user associated with the most recent record update.


The following table provides example formulas of the USERFIRSTNAME function.




where Janet is the first name of the record creator.

Hello, Janet


where Miles is the first name of the record editor.

Hello, Miles


The USERLASTNAME function returns the last name of either the record creator or the record editor. The creator is defined as the user who created the record (or is currently creating the record). The editor is defined as the user who last edited the record.

Return Type: Text

Syntax: USERLASTNAME(user_type)

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes the USERLASTNAME function parameter.




Accepts the keyword CREATOR or EDITOR. If CREATOR is specified, the function returns the last name of the user associated with creating the record. If EDITOR is supplied, the function returns the last name of the user associated with the most recent record update.


The following table provides example formulas of the USERLASTNAME function.




where Rossi is the last name of the record creator.

Last Name: Rossi


where Eldrich is the last name of the record editor.

Last Name: Eldrich


The USERMIDDLENAME function returns the middle name of either the record creator or the record editor. The creator is defined as the user who created the record (or is currently creating the record). The editor is defined as the user who last edited the record.

Return Type: Text

Syntax: USERMIDDLENAME(user_type)

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes the USERMIDDLENAME function parameter.




Accepts the keyword CREATOR or EDITOR. If CREATOR is specified, the function returns the middle name of the user associated with creating the record. If EDITOR is supplied, the function returns the middle name of the user associated with the most recent record update.


The following table provides example formulas of the USERMIDDLENAME function.




where Ellen is the middle name of the record creator.

Middle Name: Ellen


where Quentin is the middle name of the record editor.

Middle Name: Quentin

VALUEOF Function

The VALUEOF function maintains the validity of a Values List field selection. If the text of a value is changed in the custom or global values list by the Archer administrator, this function automatically updates the formula to use the new text for the value. For example, if the value "Blue" is referenced in a formula with the VALUEOF function and that value is subsequently changed to "Red" within the values list, the value reference "Blue" will automatically be changed to "Red" within the formula.

From a user perspective, the VALUEOF function serves 2 additional purposes, it enables you to:

  • Evaluate a Values List field for the presence of a specific value.
  • Set value selections in a Values List field.

The following example shows the use of the VALUEOF function in a formula for a calculated Values List field. The VALUEOF function is used for both the "value_if_true" and "value_if_false" parameters within the IF function syntax.

IF([Risk Rating]>=10, VALUEOF([Criticality], "High"), VALUEOF([Criticality], "Low"))

In a record, this formula will evaluate Risk Rating, and if the value in that field is greater than or equal to 10, the formula selects the value High in the Criticality calculated Values List field. If the value in Risk Rating is less than 10, the formula selects the value Low in Criticality.

This second example shows the use of the VALUEOF function in a formula for a calculated Text field. The VALUEOF function is used for the value parameter within the CONTAINS function syntax.

IF(CONTAINS(ANY, [Location],VALUEOF([Location], "New York")),"Yes","No")

In a record, this formula produces the value "Yes" or "No" in the calculated Text field depending on whether the value "New York" is selected in Location, which is a Values List field. If the value "New York" is selected, the calculated Text field displays the value "Yes." If the value "New York" is not selected, the calculated Text field displays the value "No."

Return Type: Text

Syntax: VALUEOF(field_ref, value1, value2…)

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes VALUEOF function parameters.




A reference to a field, for example, [field name].

value1, value 2, ...

A value within a Values List field. Enter the value as "value", for example, "Urgent". If the Values List field allows multiple selections, multiple values can be entered as "value1","value2","value3".

VALUEOF([Values List Name], "value1", "value2", "value3"). For example, VALUEOF([States], "Washington", "New York", "Massachusetts")


The following table provides example formulas of the VALUEOF function.



IF(CONTAINS(ANY, [Location],VALUEOF([Office], "Chicago”, "Local", "Global")))

where the selected value in Location is Chicago.


IF(CONTAINS(ANY, [Region], VALUEOF([Region], "Northeast")), VALUEOF([Office], "Connecticut", "New York", Massachusetts"), VALUEOF([Office], "Kansas", "Illinois", "Texas"))

where the selected value in Region is Northeast.


New York


IF(CONTAINS(ANY, [Color], VALUEOF([Color], "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Yellow")), "Primary Color", "Other")

where the selected value in Color is Silver.



The WEIGHTEDSCORE function returns the weighted score value for the values selected in a Values List question. This function is only useful if you assigned a weight to the Values List question and you assigned a numeric value to each of the possible answers to the question.

Using this function will run the following calculation:

[values list selection numeric value] * [values list question weighting] = WEIGHTEDSCORE

or (for multi-select Values List questions):

SUM([values list selection numeric value1], [values list selection numeric value2]) * [values list question weighting] = WEIGHTEDSCORE

The WEIGHTEDSCORE function can only be used within a questionnaire and can only reference a Values List question.

Return Type: Numeric

Syntax: WEIGHTEDSCORE(field_ref)

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes the WEIGHTEDSCORE function parameter.




A reference to the Values List question, for example, [question name].


The following table provides an example formula of the WEIGHTEDSCORE function.



WEIGHTEDSCORE([New User Access])

where the weighting value for the New User Access question is "10" and the numeric value for the answer is "5".



The WEIGHTING function returns the weighting value of a Values List question. The WEIGHTING function can only be used within a questionnaire and can only reference a Values List question.

Return Type: Numeric

Syntax: WEIGHTING([field_ref])

In the above syntax, parameters in bold are required.

The following table describes the WEIGHTING function parameter.




A reference to the Values List question, for example, [question name].


The following table provides an example formula of the WEIGHTING function.



WEIGHTING([New User Access])

where the weighting value for the New User Access question is "10".