Conflict Resolution for DDE Actions

This topic describes how to resolve conflicting behaviors for Data Driven Events actions.

Conflict Resolution for Apply Conditional Layout Actions

Multiple ACL actions can apply to the same user at the same time. When multiple ACL actions attempt to apply conflicting behaviors, Archer runs the action that is highest in the following order of precedence:

  1. Section-level Read Only
  2. Section-level Display*
  3. Section-level Do Not Display
  4. Section-level Use Default Settings
  5. Field-level Required
  6. Field-level Read Only
  7. Field-level Display
  8. Field-level Do Not Display
  9. Field-level Use Default Settings

When a Section-level Display action takes precedence, Field-level settings are respected. For example, if an action sets a section to Do Not Display and another action sets a field within the section to Read Only, the section is not displayed because the section-level Do Not Display setting takes precedence.

Example: Section set to Do Not Display

The following table provides an example of a Section set to Do Not Display.

Action 1

Sets a section to Do Not Display.

Action 2

Sets a field in the section to Required.


The section is not displayed and the field is not required because Action 1 (section-level Do Not Display) takes precedence.

Example: Section set to Display

The following table provides an example of a Section set to Display.

Action 1

Sets a section to Display.

Action 2

Sets the same section to Read Only.


The section is read only because Action 2 (section-level Read Only) takes precedence.

Example: Section level with precedence

The following table provides an example of a Section level with precedence.

Action 1

Sets a section to Display.

Action 2

Sets field X and field Y in the section to Do Not Display.

Action 3

Sets field X in the section to Required.


The section is displayed, field X is set to required, and field Y is not displayed.

Because Action 1 (section-level Display) takes precedence, the section is displayed and field-level settings are respected.

Because Action 3 (field-level Required) takes precedence over Action 2, Field X is set to Required. There is no conflict with Field Y, so it is set to Do Not Display by Action 2.

Conflict Resolutions for Filter Values List Items Action

When there are multiple Filter Values List Items actions linked to the same rule, the actions are cumulative.

Example: Filter Values List Items action linked to the same rule

The following table provides an example of the Filter Values List Items action linked to the same rule.


Field C is a values list field with available values of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, and Blue.

Action 1 is a Filter Values List Items action that filters the list to Red and Blue.

Action 2 is a Filter Values List Items action that filters the list to Orange and Yellow.

Action 1 and Action 2 are linked to Rule 1.


When Rule 1 is true, Field C is automatically filtered to values Red, Orange, Yellow, and Blue making them the only values available for selection.

Example: Values list targeted by Filter Values List Item and Set Values List Selection actions

If multiple Filter Values List Items actions targeting the same values list field are linked to different rules that are true at the same time, only the Filter Values List Items action linked to the rule with the highest rule order is applied.

The following table provides an example of the Values list targeted by Filter Values List Item and Set Values List Selection actions.


Field D is a Values List field with available values of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, and Blue.

Action 1 is a Filter Values List Items action that filters the list to Red and Blue.

Action 2 is a Filter Values List Items action that filters the list to Orange and Yellow.

Action 1 is linked to Rule 1.

Action 2 is linked to Rule 2.

Rule 1 is ranked higher than Rule 2.


When both Rule 1 and Rule 2 are true at the same time, Field D is automatically filtered to values of Red and Blue making them the only values available for selection.

Example: Values list targeted by Filter Values List Item and Set Values List Selection actions

If a Set Values List Selection action and a Filter Values List Items action targeting the same Values List field are in conflict, only the Filter Values List Items action is applied.

The following table provides an example of the Values list targeted by Filter Values List Item and Set Values List Selection actions.


Field E is a Values List field with available values of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, and Blue.

Action 1 is a Set Values List Selection action that sets the values of Green and Blue.

Action 2 is a Filter Values List Items action that filters the list to Red and Blue.

Action 1 is linked to Rule 1.

Action 2 is linked to Rule 2.


When both Rule 1 and Rule 2 are true at the same time, Field E is automatically filtered to values of Red and Blue making them the only values available for selection.

The field is also automatically set to a value of Blue. (There is no conflict between Action 1 and Action 2 for the value of Blue.)

Green is not selected because there is a conflict between Action 1 and Action 2, and therefore only the Filter Values List Items action (Action 2) is applied.

Conflict resolution for Set Date

If multiple Set Date actions targeting the same date field are linked to different rules that are true at the same time, only the Set Date action linked to the rule with the highest ranking in the rule order is applied.

Example: Set Date action linked to multiple rules

The following table describes the example.


Field B is a Date field.

Action 1 is a Set Date action that sets the date to the Current Date.

Action 2 is a Set Date action that sets the date to 1/15/2012.

Action 1 is linked to Rule 1.

Action 2 is linked to Rule 2.

Rule 1 is ranked higher than Rule 2.


When both Rule 1 and Rule 2 are true at the same time, Field B is automatically set to the Current Date.

Conflict resolution for Set Values List Selection action

Example: Set Values List Selection actions linked to same rule

If multiple Set Values List Selection actions are linked to the same rule targeting the same values list field, the first action replaces the initial setting of the field, and subsequent actions are cumulative.

The following table describes the example scenario and result.


Field D is a Values List field with available values of Reason 1, Reason 2, Reason 3, Reason 4, and Reason 5.

Field D currently has a value of Reason 1.

Action 1 is a Set Values List Selection action that sets the value of Reason 2.

Action 2 is a Set Values List Selection action that sets the values of Reason 3 and Reason 4.

Action 3 is a Set Values List Selection action that sets the value of Reason 5.

Action 1, Action 2, and Action 3 are linked to Rule 1.


When Rule 1 is true, Field D is automatically set to the values of Reason 2, Reason 3, Reason 4, and Reason 5.

Example: Set Values List Section action linked to different rules

If multiple Set Values List Selection actions targeting the same Values List field are linked to different rules that are true at the same time, only the Set Values List Selection action linked to the rule with the highest ranking in the rule order is set.

The following table describes the example scenario and result.


Field E is a Values List field with available values of Value 1, Value 2, and Value 3.

Action 1 is a Set Values List Selection action that sets the value of Value 1.

Action 2 is a Set Values List Selection action that sets the value of Value 2.

Action 1 is linked to Rule 1.

Action 2 is linked to Rule 2.

Rule 1 is ranked higher than Rule 2.


When both Rule 1 and Rule 2 are true at the same time, Field E is automatically set to Value 1.