Related Records Field

When you create a cross-reference field that forms an external relationship with another application, a related records field is automatically added to the related application. Likewise, if you create a cross-reference field that forms an internal application relationship, a related records field is automatically created in the application that has the cross-reference field. To update a related record associated with a calculated cross-reference field, you must update the cross-referenced record and perform a recalculation.

The related records field is a mirror image of the cross-reference field, meaning that it allows you to see all of the records that have been cross-referenced to a particular record.

For example, you have a cross-reference field in a Trouble Tickets application that references records in a Technicians application. In the Trouble Tickets record, users can assign 1 or more technicians through the Technicians cross-reference field. Users can then open any technicians record, and through the related records field, see each trouble ticket record assigned to a technician.

Note: If you create a cross-reference field that forms an external relationship with a leveled application, you have the option to reference a specific level or to reference all levels. If you reference a specific level, a related records field is created at the data level specified. If you reference all levels, a related records field is created at each data level in the related application. In the case that more data levels are subsequently created in the leveled application, a related records field is added to each new level.

You cannot add a related records field in an application, questionnaire, or sub-form. Instead, it is automatically added when the application, questionnaire, or sub-form is selected for reference through a cross-reference field. When a related records field is added, it is listed in the Available Fields list on the Layout tab. As a configuration administrator, you must move the related records field into the application layout before it is displayed to end users. You can also rename the field and select fields from the related application, questionnaire, or sub-form whose values you want to display in the related records field.

Note: If a related records field is configured to display in the layout and a user does not have access to records in the related application, questionnaire, or sub-form, the related records field is not displayed for that user.

Users that have create permissions in the related application can add new records in that application from the related records field. The cross-reference field value in the newly created record defaults to the record where the user added it. Using the previous example, a user creates a new trouble tickets record from the "Gloria Young" technicians record. The "Gloria Young" record is selected by default in the Technicians cross-reference field in the new trouble tickets record.

If the Lookup feature is enabled for a related records field, users who have read permissions in the related application can select records from a list or to keyword search for specific records in the related application by clicking Lookup. As a configuration administrator, you can configure the fields that are displayed for users in the Record Lookup page, and you can create filter criteria to limit the number of records users can select from. You can also define the minimum and maximum number of related records a user can select.