Configuring Data Gateway Connections

After you have established the data gateway connectors, you can use them to create connections. Complete the following tasks to add and edit connections, and to map fields for those connections. You can also configure the connections using the RESTful API; for more information, see Configure Data Gateway Connections (RESTful API).

Note: In order to configure connections, you must be assigned Data Gateway Configuration page rights.

View data gateway connections

Go to the Configure Data Gateway Connections page.

  1. From the menu, click Admin menu > Integration > Data Gateway.

From the Configure Data Gateway page, view your existing data gateway connections.

The following table describes the information displayed in the grid.




The name of the connection

Application or Questionnaire

The name of the application or questionnaire used by the connection


The name of the level that the connection targets

From this page, you can add or maintain connections.

Add or maintain a connection

  1. From the menu, click Admin menu > Integration > Data Gateway.
  2. Do 1 of the following:
    • To add a new connection, click Add to continue through the data gateway steps.
    • To edit an existing connection, click the name of the connection.
  3. When adding a new connection, select a Target Application or Questionnaire.
  4. Select the appropriate connector from the drop-down list.
  5. When adding a new connection, enter a unique connection name with a maximum of 10 characters.
  6. (Optional) Click the connections to the left and view existing configurations for this application or questionnaire.
  7. (Optional) At any time, click Test Connection to ensure that the connection is configured properly. There are 3 possible results:
    • Test Connection successful. Your connector is ready to use.
    • Test Connection failed. Review your connector's properties to ensure they align with your chosen connector.
    • Test Connection unsupported by connector. Your chosen connector does not support the Test Connection functionality. For more information, see Creating a Data Gateway Connector.
  8. Click Map Fields to move on to the Map Fields task. If there are unsaved changes, you are prompted to save.

    Note: If you click Closeor Cancel, you return to the Configure Data Gateway page without adding or updating the connection.

Map fields

These steps detail how to map fields from a data source to Archer applications.

  1. On the Map Fields page, use the drop-down lists to map the external data fields to the corresponding fields in the Archer application or questionnaire.

    Note: Due to the custom nature of data gateway connectors, Archer cannot predict the correct names and spelling of your external databases' fields. We recommend having a list of those fields available while creating your connections.

    • In the Field column, find the Archer fields.
    • In the Connection column, select the connection to use. The connection source can originate from either Archer or an external source.
    • In the External Field column, enter the external field name to map.
  2. Click Review to move on to the Review task. If there are unsaved changes, you are prompted to save.

    Note: If you click Closeor Cancel, you return to the Configure Data Gateway page without adding or updating the connection.


This page allows you to review the field maps and connections for this application or questionnaire.




Lists the total number of mapped fields and connections used by the current application or questionnaire

Fields Mapped

Lists all the parameters of mapped fields, including: 

  • Archer field
  • Primary data source
  • External data field

If you need to update your settings on the Map Fields or Connection page, click on the corresponding option at the top of the screen.

Click Done or Close to return to the Configure Data Gateway page.