Using the Report Listing

The Report Listing page displays global, shared, and personal reports. You can filter the reports displayed on the Report Listing page by name, solution, application, or type.

Important: Only users who have global report administration rights can add, edit, and delete global reports from the Report Listing. To access the User Accounts All report from the Report Listing, a user must have at least read permission to the Manage Users page. For more information, see Adding User Accounts.

Note: Report administrators and configuration administrators with permissions can add, edit, and delete global reports from the Report Listing. Report administrators also must be assigned an access role that provides Save Report: CRUD rights for the application. To access the User Accounts All report from the Report Listing, a user must have at least read permission to the Manage Users page. For more information, see Adding User Accounts.

Add a report

  1. From the menu, click Admin menu > Management Reporting > Reports Listing.
  2. Click Add.
  3. From the Available Applications field, select an application.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Run a search.
  6. Save the search results as a report.

Run a report

  1. From the menu, click Admin menu > Management Reporting > Reports Listing.
  2. (Optional) Use the Grouping and Filter toolbars to filter and sort the list.
  3. Select the report.

Update a report

  1. From the menu, click Admin menu > Management Reporting > Reports Listing.
  2. In the Actions column of the report you want to edit, click Ellipsis, and click Edit.
  3. Enter search criteria of the report, and click Search.
  4. Do 1 of the following:
    • To save the report, click Save.
    • To save a separate report with your changes, select Save as New Report from the list displayed.
    • To save the changes to the existing report, select Save Report Changes from the list displayed.
  5. Complete the Report Information section.
  6. In the Report Type section, select the report type: Personal, Shared, or Global.

    If you selected Global Report, assign user and groups access rights for the report.
    If you selected Personal Report, you can share that report with other users, however only the user that created the report can edit, change, and save its content.

    Note: When you edit and save a shared report, the report must remain a shared report. You can choose to share the report again with participants. The report cannot be saved if the default language of the global report does not match the default language of the user.

  7. Complete the iView Caching section.
  8. In the Refresh Rate list, select how often you want the report to refresh.

    If a refresh rate is set, iView caching is disabled.

    Note: If you change the cache duration from 1 time range to another, open and refresh the Report iView to complete the change.

  9. Click Save.

Print a report

  1. From the menu, click Admin menu > Management Reporting > Reports Listing.
  2. Select the report to print.
  3. In the toolbar of the report, click Ellipsis, and click Print.
  4. On the print preview page, click Print.
  5. In the Print dialog box, click Print.

Share a report

  1. From the menu, click Admin menu > Management Reporting > Reports Listing.
  2. In the Actions column of the report you want to share, click Ellipsis, and click Share.
  3. In the Available Users/Groups window, select the Users and Groups to share the report with.
  4. Click Apply.

Promote a report

  1. From the menu, click Admin menu > Management Reporting > Reports Listing.
  2. In the toolbar of the Reports Listing page, select Shared.
  3. In the Actions column of the report you want to promote to a global report, click Ellipsis, and click Promote.
  4. In the Available Users/Groups window, select the Users and Groups to share the report with.
  5. Archer automatically adds the Everyone group into the Selected list.
  6. Click Apply. The report is now removed from the Shared list of reports.
  7. In the toolbar of the Reports Listing page, select Global. The promoted report is available in the list of Global reports.

Delete a report

  1. From the menu, click Admin menu > Management Reporting > Reports Listing.
  2. In the Actions column of the report you want to delete, click Ellipsis, and click Delete.
  3. Review the warning and confirm.