Adding Questions to the Question Library

Each record in the Question Library application represents a single question. Once saved in the library, this question can be copied and used within a questionnaire as long as it has an active status. You also can import multiple questions at the same time.

  1. Add a new record to the Question Library application.

    1. From the menu, click workspace.
    2. Select the solution you want.
    3. Click Question Library.
    4. Click Ellipsis, and click New Record.
  2. In the Status field, select Active.
  3. In the Question Name field, enter a name for the question.

    Note: This name labels and identifies the question. It also is the key field for the Question Library record.

  4. From the Category list, select a category.

    Note: The category determines the section in which the question is displayed. It also determines whether a question is displayed to a user when there are Question Display Rules in the questionnaire. If your user account has edit privileges, you can click Edit and add additional categories to the list.

  5. In the Question Text field, enter the text for the question that is displayed to the user.
  6. From the Question Type list, select a question type.

    Note: You cannot change this value after you save the question.

  7. In the Display Format field, select how the question is displayed.
  8. Depending on the question type that you selected, configure the applicable sections.