Adding Questions and Fields to a Questionnaire

When you create a questionnaire, you can add questions by copying questions from the Question Library or by adding them manually.

In addition to the questions themselves, questionnaires contain several standard fields for collecting data on the assessment. Standard fields differ from questions in that they do not include question text or weighting, they cannot be filtered using question display rules, and they are not included in progress calculations for questionnaire records and campaigns. However, standard fields offer more variety for data collection than questions do, and you can control user access to fields, whereas all questions are inherently public.

Copy questions from the Question Library into a questionnaire

Note: After you copy a question from the Question Library into your questionnaire, it is no longer connected to the original question in the Question Library. As a result, you can modify the question without affecting the version in the Question Library. This enables you to tailor questions for a specific type of assessment. For example, you can change the question weighting, relate a question to additional authoritative sources, add new answer options, and more.

  1. Do 1 of the following:
    • If you just added a new questionnaire and selected the Question Copy checkbox, go to step 2.
    • From your questionnaire, go to Designer tab > Layout tab > Objects panel > click Add new > Add from Question Library, and click Add New.
  2. On the Record Lookup page, select the checkbox for each question that you want to copy into your questionnaire.

    Note: To limit the types of questions that you see on the Question Lookup page, enter the values that you want to filter by in the filter boxes for that column. Click Filter in the column header to refine your search results. You can also select all questions within the Search Results page by selecting the checkbox at the top of the Question Name column.

  3. Click OK to copy the selected questions into your questionnaire. When prompted to confirm your selections, click OK.

    When you leave the Question Lookup page, the Layout Builder panel is displayed on the Manage Questionnaires page. A window displays with the status of your copy operation. When it is complete, click the Layout tab to view your questions in the questionnaire layout. The questions automatically are grouped in sections by question category.

Add questions manually

See the following tasks:

Add fields

See the following tasks: