Configuring Relationship Visualization

Relationship Visualization requires minimal configuration.

Default Relationship Visualization Settings

  • The key field is the title of the record node.
  • The first 3 fields of the record with the property of Search Default Field display in the record node. Fields are chosen by Field ID and listed sequentially in the record node.
  • The node colors and text use the Page Effects and Text Styles properties from the defined theme.
  • The connecting lines from record node to record node use the Section Heading properties of the theme.

Customizing Relationship Visualization Settings

You can customize Relationship Visualization results as follows:

  • Specify display fields
  • Specify node fields
  • Limit the relationships displayed

To customize what you see, you must create a Visualization XML file.

Visualization XML file

The visualization.xml file contains the module level, display fields, and reference fields.

This XML file must be attached to the specific module in the Documentation section on the General tab.

The name can include a prefix, for example, risk_visualization.xml, but the file name must end with visualization and the xml file extension.

If there are multiple XML files attached to the same module, Archer uses the most current 1 based on its date and time stamp. When defining fields and levels in the XML file, you must use the Alias property of the field.

Example of the visualization.xml file

Visualization.xml file

Syntax and required sections

The XML file is case sensitive and must include the following sections.

Visualization.xml file in Notepad

  • Module Level. Identifies the module. If a module has multiple levels, you must define each level in the XML file. Each level must include Display Fields, Node Fields, and Reference Fields.
  • Display Fields. Identifies the fields that are listed in the Display Field list of the overview pane. You can have unlimited display fields.
  • Node Fields. Identifies the fields that are displayed on the record node. Fields are identified by their aliases. You are limited to 3 fields. If you do not specify node fields, these fields are not shown on the record node.
  • Reference Fields. Identifies the relationships of the record. The Reference Fields section is a list of trusted fields and contains the fields that you want to include. If you do not specify reference fields, relationships are not shown when you double-click a record node. You can have unlimited reference fields.

Create the Visualization XML file

Complete this task to create the visualization.xml file for customizing what you see on the Relationship Visualization page.

  1. Open a text editor.
  2. Structure your file using the exact syntax as shown in the following example:

    Visualization.xml file in Notepad

    Important: The XML file is case sensitive. When defining fields in the XML file, you must use the Alias property of the field.

  3. Save and name the file.

    The file name must end with visualization and the XMLfile extension. The name can have a unique identifier if it precedes the word visualization, for example, risk_visualization.xml.

  4. Attach this XML file to the applicable module in Archer.