Applications and Questionnaires Design Best Practices

Follow these best practices to create consistent, user-friendly applications and questionnaires.

For more design best practices, see Design Best Practices.


  • Limit questions on a questionnaire to fewer than 50.

  • Select and change default fields for the following options:

    • New Record (or Add New)

    • Records (or Display All)

    • Reports

    • Schedule

    • Search Records (or Advanced Search)

  • Use quick filters as follows.

    • Limit the number of filters to 3 - 5.

    • Confirm logical selection of fields are included for display.

Core modules

  • Where possible, avoid structural changes to core applications.

  • Be aware that level changes can impact upgrades and packaging.

  • Avoid many group-specific changes within shared modules

    • This can lead to conflict among other groups that need to use the same module

  • Avoid major changes to the Findings application

    • Changes could adversely affect Findings generation

  • If you need to remove fields from core applications for your design, follow these suggestions:

    • Deactivate the field (instead of deleting it) until development is nearing completion and you have confirmed the field is no longer necessary.

    • If the application is a shared application, perform due diligence to ensure that no other applications rely on the field to be deleted

    • Rename the field with a zzz- prefix.