Search Options: Sorting

You can define sorting options on the Search page for when the search results yield a 1-to-many relationship between the initial sorting field and the additional sorting fields. For example, you can either alphabetize records within the Third Party Profile application by sorting by ascending values in the Third Party Name field, or you can sort records in the Third Party Profile application by the values in the Risk Rating field.

Sort search results

You can sort your search results by multiple fields, and you can sort how records appear within the initial sort. When sorting by multiple fields, numeric indicators show the sort order.

Search options

The following table describes the search options with which you can sort your search results.



Field to Evaluate

Enables you to select which fields to sort by.


Enables you to change how your search results appear.

  • Ascending: Text values are sorted A - Z. Numeric values are sorted smallest to largest. Date values are sorted oldest to newest.
  • Descending: Text values are sorted Z - A. Numeric values are sorted largest to smallest. Date values are sorted newest to oldest.


Enables you to decide how you want to group your results. You can apply the Grouping option only to fields that are included in the search results.