Recalculating Records

Calculated fields typically update only when a record changes.

The Recalculate icon recalculates all active calculated fields for the current record regardless of any other conditions or configurations. System administrators, content administrators, and any user with update rights to the current record can perform the recaluation.

Records that Allow Recalculation

The Recalculate icon displays in the following records:

  • A record that is in View mode.
  • A cross-reference record that is opened in View mode from another record.
  • A sub-form record that is opened in View mode from another record.

Restrictions for Recalculating Content

  • You must have Update record permissions to perform a recalculation.
  • You cannot force a recalculation on archived records.
  • When a recalculation is performed, Archer performs the recalculation on the open record, but not on any cross-reference or sub-form fields within the record.

Force the recalculation of a record

  1. View an existing record.
  2. Click Elipsis and select Recalculate.

Note: As a result of the save, no notification, generating findings, workflow, or publishing events occur during the recalculation.