Managing Tasks

Task management enables you to create, assign, track, and manage open and completed activities. You can view detailed status reports of open tasks and a history of completed tasks. The Task Management application is accessible from any application with task management enabled.

Viewing and Accessing Tasks

When an application includes task management, tasks related to records in that application are tracked and logged in a related records field called Open Tasks/Activities.

In addition to viewing tasks in a record, use the to see your assigned tasks.

Task Management Use Case

A risk manager can create assignments to correct an assessment finding.

The assigned individual can use the to see all assigned remediation tasks.

As the remediation progresses, the original risk manager can track the completion status of all remediation tasks. The risk manager can view a single record or run a search on a group of findings.

Create and Assign a Task

  1. Open a record in an application that has task management.
  2. In the application's record, click Add New in the Open Tasks/Activities field to open a new Task Management record.
  3. Complete applicable information related to the task.
  4. Click Save or Apply.

    • Click Save to save and exit.
    • Click Apply to apply the changes and continue working.

Complete a Task

  1. Do 1 of the following to open a task record:
    • If Task Management is enabled for an application, select the record that contains the task and select the task you want.
    • In the My Tasks iView, select Current Tasks from the Display list and select the task you want.
  2. Click Edit to edit the record.
  3. From the Status list, select Complete or Deferred to close the task.
  4. Do 1 of the following:
    • To enter completion date, enter the date the task was finished, or select the date by clicking Calendar in the Completion Date field.
    • To defer the task to another user, click Ellipsis in the Delegates field to select that user.
  5. In the Resolution field, enter a detailed description of how the task was resolved.
  6. Click Save or Apply.

    • Click Save to save and exit.
    • Click Apply to apply the changes and continue working.

Change the Status of a Task

You can track or change the completion status of tasks stored in 1 application against records in another application. For example, you could track whether security controls found in 1 application have been implemented for assets found in another application.

  1. Go to the record that you want to track the status of a task.

    1. Click the Workspace menu you wish to view.
    2. Select the solution you want to view.
    3. Click the application to which the record belongs.
  2. Click the Cross-Application Status Tracking (CAST) field and click View/Edit Related Application Name.
  3. Click the linked task whose status you want to change.
  4. Locate the CAST field in the record and click the linked status.
  5. From the Status list, select the appropriate status for the task.
  6. (Optional) Enter notes about the status change in the Notes field.
  7. Click Save.

View Tasks Associated with a Record

  1. Open a record in an application that has task management.
  2. In the Open Tasks/Activities or Closed Tasks section, select the task that you want to view.

View Your Tasks

  1. Navigate to a workspace that displays the My Tasks iView.
  2. In the My Tasks iView, select 1 of the available reports from the Display list.
  3. From the report, select the task that you want to view.