Adding Set Date Actions
You can create a Set Date action that changes the value displayed in a date field. You can set the value to the current date, to a number of days from the current date, to a specific date, or set the field to blank. If the date field is configured to include date and time, you can set the date, time, and time zone.
You cannot link more than 1 Set Date action for the same date field in the same rule. If a rule set has multiple Set Date actions for the same date field, only the first Set Date action is run.
Important: A calculated field cannot be the target of a Set Date action. If a Set Date action is defined and the target date field is later changed to a calculated field, the Set Date action is deleted.
The Set Date action allows administrators to specify a value for a date field based on the state of the record. The end user can then override this value.
Important: When a data driven event includes a rule with a Set Date action and is used in a questionnaire, the Review Date and Submit Date fields must be included in the General section of the questionnaire. By default, this section includes these fields.
On this page
Guidelines for using this action type
- A calculated field cannot be the target of a Set Date action. If a Set Date action is defined and the target date field is later changed to a calculated field, the Set Date action is deleted.
- If a date field that is the target of a Set Date action is deleted, the Set Date action is also deleted.
- A rule cannot have multiple Set Date actions linked to it that target the same date field.
- A Set Date action replaces any current value specified in the field.
See Conflict Resolution for DDE Actions for information about remediating ACL conflicts.
Add a set date action
- In your application or questionnaire, select your layout.
- Click the Designer tab, and then click the Actions tab.
- In the General Information section, select the action type and enter a name.
- In the Date Selection section, from the Field list, select the field that you want the action to set.
From the Date Option list, select the date that you want to insert.
The following table describes the options. Option
Current Date
Sets the date field to the current date (and time to 12:00 A.M., if enabled).
Set to Number of Days from Current Date
Sets the date field to the current date plus the specified number of days from the current date (and time to 12:00 A.M., if enabled).
Set to Specific Date
Sets the date field to the date specified (and time, if enabled).
Set to Date Field to Blank
Removes any value currently set in the date field.
- In the Associated Rules section, click to select, create, or copy a rule.
- Click to save your changes.