Trending (Classic)
Important: This topic is for the Classic Search experience. To view the content for the Next Generation Search experience see Search.
For information on Classic experiences, see Archer Classic Experiences.
Trending is a method of tracking status changes for a numeric or values list field. Trending charts enable you to observe patterns in data over a specified period of time. The chart reflects a plot point for each time a field value is saved. When a field is enabled for trending with a duration period, Archer captures data for the specified field and retains the data for the duration period as trending data.
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Trending Charts
The trending data can be displayed on a chart in the record after the Add Trending Chart layout object is added to the application layout. Viewing trended data on the chart enables you to see trends in the data in order to make informed business decisions. These trending charts are displayed in a record when the Enable trending options for this field option is selected for a Numeric or Values List field. The trending chart title is displayed when the Show Title option is selected in the Trending Chart Description dialog box. If no trended data exists for the field when you view the record, the message "No Trending Data Available" is displayed in this section.
Plot points displayed on the trending chart represent each time the trended value is saved. You can hover over a plot point to view a tooltip consisting of the following details after saving the record.
- The field value.
- The timestamp (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM) from when the value was initially selected.
- The timestamp (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM) from when the value was changed (the value "Now" displays instead of a timestamp when the value has not been changed since the previous save occurrence).
- The user (Last name, First name) who saved the value.
Trended Numeric fields with a null value are currently displayed on a trending chart with a plot point at 0. To ensure that the data on the trending chart is accurate, select the Required field option on the Manage Field page.
The removal of any trended data occurs after an asynchronous job runs. This asynchronous cleanup job removes both expired trended data and any trended data for fields that the user has disabled trending.
Note: If you are attempting to display a trending chart for a Values List field that has a large number (approximately 2500) of historical changes, an error may occur.
Example: Trending chart duration
You might create a trending chart called "Safety Incidents" to track the number of safety incidents that occur at a facility before safety policies are instituted. If the duration period was specified as 1 year (365 days), you might view the trending chart and observe that the number of safety incidents at the facility has decreased during the 1 year duration period. You might conclude that the safety policies are working.
Example: Changing the duration of a trending chart
To expand on the first example, the duration period is changed from 1 year to 1 month. The trending data on the chart spans the 1 year duration period plus the 1-month duration (30 days). On the 31st day, the trending data shows only the 1-month period once an asynchronous job runs. This once-daily cleanup job removes both expired trended data and any trended data for fields that the user has disabled trending.
Example: Trending update
You might not update a trending-enabled field until after the period of time specified in the duration period. When the update takes place after the duration period ends, the chart reflects data for a longer time span, and any removal of data will not occur until a new value is added.