Package Installation Log Message Examples

When you install a package, certain error messages are expected, depending on which use cases you have licensed in your system.

The following table describe some of the most common error messages that you may see. You may use these as guidelines, but you should review your package installation log and determine any actions you need to take.

For information on the dependencies for each solution, see the Data Dictionary.

Object Type





Object Name Alias was changed from Original Alias to New Alias.

The Alias was updated on the object. There are 2 reasons for an alias in the Target Instance to have been updated:

  • Update was in the Source Package.
  • Alias has to be unique in the Target Instance. If the alias already exists in Target, packaging adds a unique identifier to the end.

This message is only potentially an issue if the change occurs on a field that is utilized in a Mail Merge Template or Data Publication Service. In that scenario, update the DPS or the mail merge template with the new alias.


Unable to save the unlicensed application Application Name.

An unlicensed application has been installed from the Enterprise Catalog package. The Enterprise Catalog package contains applications that are used in multiple use cases, but you can only install the Enterprise Catalog applications that are included in your licensed use cases.

If the application is not licensed, no action is necessary.

Note: If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.

If the use case has not been updated, do the following:

  1. Install the package for the use case containing the related application. You must have a license for the related application.
  2. Reapply the original package to resolve the warning.

For more information, see the Data Dictionary for the Enterprise Catalog package.


Installation completed with Advanced Workflow SAML signatures on an instance without SAML configured.

The installation completed successfully, however an advanced workflow uses a SAML signature on an instance without SAML configured.

Do 1 of the following:

  • Update the user action node in the advanced workflow to use 1-time PIN via Email or User Name and Password. For more information on adding a User Action Node, see the "Building Advanced Workflows" in the Archer Platform Help.
  • Configure SAML SSO on your instance: set the Single Sign-On Mode in the Archer Control Panel to SAML. For more information, see "Configuring an Instance for Single Sign-on" in the Archer Control Panel Help.


Field Name in the application Application Name cannot be changed from a private field to a public field.

Notification that packaging does not change a private field in the target instance to a public field.

Change the field to public manually (optional).


Field Field Name could not be saved due to inability to identify the related module.

A cross-reference or related record field could not be created because the related application does not exist in the target instance. This message usually occurs because the field is part of a related use case that is not licensed or has not been updated in the target instance.

If the use case is not licensed, no action is necessary.

Note: If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.

If the use case has not been updated, do the following:

  1. Install the package for the use case containing the related application. You must have a license for the related application.
  2. Reapply the original package to resolve the warning.

See the Data Dictionary.


The calculated field Field Name in the application Application Name cannot be verified.

The formula in the calculated field is incorrect. Most often, this message occurs when the formula references a field in a related application and either the field or the application does not exist in the target instance or is not licensed. This may be because the application is in a related use case that has not been updated.

Do either of the following:

  • Modify the formula to remove the reference to the unavailable field.
  • Install the package for the use case containing the related application. (You must have a license for the related application), then reapply the original package to resolve the warning.

See the Data Dictionary.


Field Field Name was not found and removed from a collection.

The field could not be found in the target instance and was not included in the package. This is for Inherited Record Permission fields, cross-reference/related record fields (record lookup and grid display), or display fields in a report. This is usually because the field is part of an application in a related core solution that has not been updated in the target instance or is not licensed.

  1. Install the package for the use case containing the related application (to obtain the missing field). You must have a license for the related application.
  2. Reapply the original package to resolve the warning.

See the Data Dictionary.

If you do not have a license for the related application, you may ignore this message, and the field remains omitted from the object.

Advanced Workflow

The advanced workflow was installed, but is inactive. Please review and activate.

All advanced workflows are installed as inactive. You must review and activate the workflow.

Go to the Advanced Workflow tab in the application or questionnaire, review the workflow, then click Activate.

Advanced Workflow

Minor failure: Advanced workflow HTTP request error: 404 not found.

Certain services were not running when you installed the package.

  1. Verify that the Advanced Workflow Service and the Job Service are running.
  2. Reapply the package.

Access Role

Access rights to the following page could not be configured due to missing module Module Name.

The Module Name application or questionnaire belongs to a use case that you have not licensed or does not exist in the instance.


If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.

Access Role

The following page referenced in a link cannot be resolved: Page Name.

Page Name belongs to an application in a use case that you have not licensed.


If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.

Event Action

Module Name DDE Name was updated but has page layout discrepancies.

A cross-reference or related record field is on the layout in the package but is not licensed or does not exist in the target instance. Occurs on Apply Conditional Layout actions.

Review the DDE and the layout and determine if any modifications should be made to the layout.

If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.


Contained Reference field :Field Name 1 was not found in the target instance and was removed from multi-reference field : Field Name 2.

Field Name 1 references an application that does not exist in the target instance or is not licensed.


If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.


Cross Reference View/Edit Display field : Field Name 1 was not found in the target instance and was removed from field : Field Name 2.

Field Name 1, configured to display in the reference field grid, is missing from the application it belongs to.

No action is necessary. You can also add the field to the other application by installing the package that the related application belongs to.


Related Record View/Edit Display field :Field Name 1 was not found in the target instance and was removed from field : Field Name 2.

Field Name 1, configured to display in the reference field grid, is missing from the application it belongs to.

No action is necessary. You can also add the field to the other application by installing the package that the related application belongs to.


History Log Field Selection field : Field Name was not found in the target instance and was removed from history log field : History Log.

A history log field includes a cross-reference or related record as a tracked field, but that cross-reference or related record could not be created because the related application either does not exist in the target or is not licensed.


If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.


Inherited User/Group field : Field Name 1 was not found in the target instance and was removed from field : Field Name 2.

Field Name 1 belongs to an application in a use case that does not exist in the target or is not licensed.


If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.


The following page referenced in a link cannot be resolved: Page Name.

Page Name belongs to an application in a use case that does not exist in the target or is not licensed.

Modify the iView to remove the unresolved link or delete the iView

If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.

Navigation Menu

Unable to update Navigation Menu Application Name. Field Field Name not found.

Application Name belongs to an use case that does not exist or is not licensed.


If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.


Report Name report could not be created. There are no display fields for this report.

No display fields could be included in the report because the fields do not exist in the target or are not licensed. This error is most common on statistics reports.



Display field : Field Name was not found in the target instance and was removed from report: Report Name.

Field Name belongs to an application in a use case that does not exist or that is not licensed.

If the report functions without that field, then no action is needed. Otherwise, modify the report or remove it.

If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.


Field : Field Name referenced by a statistic step was not found in the target instance and was removed from report : Report Name.

Field Name belongs to an application in a use case that does not exist or is not licensed.

If the report functions without that field, then no action is needed. Otherwise, modify the report or remove it.

If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.


Field : Field Name used for charting was not found in the target instance and was removed from report : Report Name.

Field Name belongs to an application in a use case that does not exist or is not licensed.

If the report functions without that field, then no action is needed. Otherwise, modify the report or remove it.

If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.


Field : Field Name was not found in the target instance and the condition was removed from the filter.

A filter condition in a report is referencing an application that does not exist or is not licensed.

If the report functions without that field, then no action is needed. Otherwise, modify the report or remove it.

If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.


Module Module Name was not found and removed from a search report.

The Module Name application or questionnaire belongs to a use case that you have not licensed.

If the report functions without that field, then no action is needed. Otherwise, modify the report or remove it.

If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.


Module Module Name was not found. The relationship and associated display fields were removed from a search report.

N-tier report includes display fields from a related application that does not exist or is not licensed.

If the report functions without that field, then no action is needed. Otherwise, modify the report or remove it.

If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.


The following module referenced in the Navigation menu could not be resolved: Module Name.

The Module Name application or questionnaire belongs to a use case that does not exist or is not licensed.


If you later license a use case that contains that application, you may re-install the Use Case Name package in order to resolve this warning.