Search Options: Search Filters

Before running a search, you can use a variety of filter operators, such as Equals and Contains, to filter your search results to only information you want. You can build filters through a series of conditional statements. Filter values are not case sensitive. Additionally, you can then relate your statement through the use of advanced operator logic.

Filter operators

The following table describes the types of filter operators.




Includes any record that has a value that matches the specified filter values.

Does Not Contain

Includes any record that does not have a value that matches the specified filter values.


Includes records with values that exactly match to the specified filter values. For Date fields, date and time values can be included in the filter.

Does Not Equal

Includes only the records with values that do not match the specified filter values. For Date fields, date and time values can be included in the filter.


Includes only records of the current interval. Available intervals include:

  • Minutes
  • Hours
  • Days
  • Months
  • Quarters
  • Years


Includes records based on the selected interval previous to the current interval. Available intervals include:

  • Minutes
  • Hours
  • Days
  • Months
  • Quarters
  • Years

This filter does not include records of the current interval. For example, if you filter "Last" "3" "Days", the results include the previous 3 days, but do not include the current day. To include the current day, add another filter condition to the search criteria that includes the "Current" "Day".


Includes records based on the selected interval after the current interval. Available intervals include:

  • Minutes
  • Hours
  • Days
  • Months
  • Quarters
  • Years

This filter does not include records of the current interval. For example, if you filter "Next" "3" "Days", the results include the next 3 days, but do not include the current day. To include the current day, add another filter condition to the search criteria that includes the "Current" "Day".

Greater Than

Includes only records with values greater than the specified filter value. For Date fields, date and time values can be included in the filter.

Less Than

Includes only records with values less than the specified filter value. For Date fields, date and time values can be included in the filter.


Includes only records with values within the specified date range, or date and time range, including the date and time selected.

Time Interval

Includes only records with values within the specified time range. Dates can also be specified to further filter the search. Search results include the selected times and dates.

After Today

Includes records of all dates after the current day, but does not include the current day.

Prior to Today

Includes records of all dates before the current day, but does not include the current day.

Valid and invalid field types for search filters

The following lists describe the valid and invalid field types that can be selected in the Field to Evaluate filter.

Valid field types

Invalid field types

Common scenarios for using search filters

The following table describes common scenarios for using different search filters.



Searching for records in the Devices application

Use field-value filter criteria. Filter criteria returns only those records that match the field value.

For example, you are searching for only the records in the Accounting business units. You would specify Business Unit as the field and Accounting as the field value.

You can then also enter another filter criteria that would return records where the value Desktop is selected in the Type field.

The Filters feature also enables you to exclude records from your search results if they contain certain values. For example, you can run a search in the Devices application that returns all device records, excluding those where the value Laptop has been selected for the Type field.

Creating reports in an application with a User/Groups List or Record Permissions field

Use field-value filter criteria. Filter criteria results display only records relevant to the user who is viewing them.

The Current User filter permits you to create a report that dynamically adjusts content based on the user generating the report. For example, you can create a “My Incidents” report for your Investigators team. When "Incident Investigator A" runs the report, only the incidents assigned to this user are displayed. When "Incident Investigator B" runs the report, only the incidents assigned to this user are displayed.

Note: The Current User filter returns not only records that contain the current user, but also records that contain groups to which the user belongs.

Locating records that fall within a specific date range

Use field-value filter criteria. Search for records based on date values that fall within a given number of days of the current date. These dates can contain specific times, or date values relative to the current date.

You can also perform date-range searches against a Date field in an application or against Date fields in applications. To do so, the Date fields need to be linked through a Cross-Reference or a Cross-Application Status Tracking field.

Locating records that fall within a specific time range

Use field-value filter criteria. Search for records based on time values that fall within a given number of minutes or hours. The time values can fall between 2 time intervals with specific dates included or not, or time values relative to the current minute or hour.

You can also perform time-range searches against a Time field in an application or against Time fields in applications. To do so, the Time fields need to be linked through a Cross-Reference or a Cross-Application Status Tracking field.

Example: Filtering search results

The following examples of search strings show how you can use operators to form your filter conditions:

  • Example 1: [Product and Services] CONTAINS "IT Development"
  • Result: This search returns any records where the Product and Services field contains the value "IT Development." If there are other values selected in the field for a record, that record is still returned in the search results.

  • Example 2: [Product and Services] EQUALS "IT Development"
  • Result: This search returns any records where the Product and Services field includes only the value "IT Development." If there are other values selected in the field for a record, that record is not returned in the search results; the value must match the filter criteria exactly.

  • Example 3: [Contract Amount] GREATER THAN "1,000,000"
  • Result. This search returns any records where the Contract Amount field includes any value greater than 1,000,000.

  • Example 4: [First Publishes] LAST "10 Hours"
  • Result: If the current time is 10:00 p.m., 10:15 p.m., 10:59 p.m., or any other value during the 10 o'clock hour, this search returns all records where the time value for the First Published field is equal to 1 of the values between 12:00 a.m. and 9:59 p.m. (the last 10 hours not including the current hour). The search will not return any records where the First Published field falls in the current 10 o'clock hour.

Time-based filtering

You can set time filters to return results for a specific time period, such as, hours or minutes. Using specific filter operators and values, you can configure time filters, with or without dates.

Time-based filtering requires several rules and logic to determine the correct search results. The following general rules apply to the time filter options:

  • The time filter options are available only when a Date field is configured to show time.
  • Unless a specific time is selected, Archer uses the "All Times" option.
  • Where available, a specific time zone can be selected, or the local time zone of the user performing the search can be used when the search is saved and run by another user.
  • A time must be selected before a specific time zone can be selected.
  • Daylight saving time is accommodated.

Rules and logic for search filters with date fields

The following table describes the rules and logic for using search filters with Date fields.


Rules and Logic

Blank Values

A blank value is acceptable only when the ‘Equals’ or ‘Does Not Equal’ operator has been selected for non-list-based fields, such as Text, Numeric, Date, and IP address. In this case, if no value is entered, the system translates that to mean either an empty string or a null value. A blank/null value is not the same as an explicitly entered value of 0.

Unless a specific time is selected, Archer uses the "All Times" option.

For list-based fields, such as Values List, Cross Reference, Related Record, Users/Groups, Record Permissions, and Matrix, there is a 'No Selection' value that represents the blank value.


Does Not Equal

If you enter 09/12/2012 1:15 p.m., the search returns records that meet that exact date and time for an "Equals" search, or records that do not equal that exact date and time for a "Does Not Equal" search.

If the field is not configured to show time, you can only select a date.

You must select a date before you can select a time.

You must select a time before you can select a time zone.

If you leave the date and time values empty, the results return all records that have blank values in the field on which the filter was configured. If a date is selected, but you do not select a time value, the filter acts as a date-only filter.

(Minute or Hour)

If you select the current hour, all records with a time in the current hour are included in the search results. For example, if the time value is 10:14, all records in the 10:00 hour are included.

Time zone options are not available on this filter type. The local time zone of the user performing the search is used.


(Minutes or Hours)

If you filter "Last" "3" "Hours", the results include the previous 3 hours, but do not include the current hour.

The time zone options are not available on this filter type. The local time zone of the user performing the search is used.

This filter types does not include the current minute or hour.

(Minutes or Hours)

If you filter "Next" "3" "Days", the results include the next 3 days, but do not include the current day.

The time zone options are not available on this filter type. The local time zone of the user performing the search is used.

This filter types does not include the current minute or hour.

Greater Than

Less Than

If the field is not configured to show time, you can only select a date.

You must select a date before you can select a time.

If you leave the date and time values empty, the results return as blank values. If a date is selected, but you do not select a time value, the filter acts as a date-only filter.


Search results include selected dates and times.

You must select a date before you can select a time.

You must select a time before you can select a specific time zone.

You must select a date in each Date field.

If a date is selected, but you do not select a time value, the filter acts as a date-only filter with selected dates included.

Time Interval

Search results include selected dates and times.

You must select a time in both Time fields.

You must select a time before you can select a specific time zone.

You can configure the filter based on 2 Time values for all dates, or filter the search to a specific date range in addition to the time range.

If you do not select dates, the filter is not restricted to a date range, and Archer searches for all records that occur within the selected times, including the selected times.