Smart Data Publications
Smart data publications are a data integration option that allow you to download and extract all of the data within a solution. The exported data can be used for data analysis and modeling. You can schedule publications to run at set times.
Smart data publications allow you to do additional reporting, data analysis, and modeling on your Archer content.
If you want to extract data within an application, consider using the Content API.
This feature is only available to Archer SaaS customers.
On this page
What data can you publish?
Publications work at the solution level.
Tip: If you want to publish only particular applications within a solution, or you want to publish applications from multiple solutions, you can create a new solution with just the applications that you want to publish. You may want to delete the default workspace that is created for that solution.
Within those applications, questionnaires, and sub-forms, the following field types are supported for smart data publication.
- Attachment
- Cross-Reference/Related Records
Note: It is recommended to include Cross-Referenced and Related Record applications and questionnaires in the selected solution for a smart data publication.
- Date
- External Links
- First Published Date
- Image
- IP Address
- Last Updated Date
- Matrix
- Numeric (Prefixes and suffixes cannot be published.)
- Record Permissions
- Record Status
- Sub-Form (Upon publication, sub-forms generate their own files with each record in the sub-form containing a reference to the parent application using the column ParentContentId.)
- Text
- Tracking ID (Prefixes and suffixes can be published.)
- User/Groups List
- Values List (Fields that display the value "No Selection" contain no value in the published version.)
Note: Calculated fields publish the current value of the field, not the calculation formula.
How is data available?
Exported files are stored in the Archer SaaS instance and are available on-demand for 30 days using the API or Website.
What is created in the output file?
The Smart Data Publication (SDP) converts records in your system applications into a .sql or .csv file structure, depending on the selected file schema, relational or flat. The default file schema selection is relational, which is similar to the Data Publication output.
- The smart data publication process uses the alias value to name file elements. Using the alias values ensures naming consistency, independent of the display name.
- Applications, questionnaires, and sub-forms are exported into their individual file structures.
File schema
Schema type | Description | Output file structure |
Relational |
Produces normalized data in multiple tables per application, questionnaire, or sub-form, based on the field type. |
Flat |
Combines all fields in an application, questionnaire, or sub-form, into a single de-normalized table. |
CSV file structures
CSV file structures display data in columns that represent the exported fields in each application, questionnaire, or sub-form.
Field Type | Column Value |
Cross-Reference |
ID of the cross-reference record created in the referenced application |
Attachment, Image |
Name of the attachment or image |
Text, Numeric |
Values of the respective fields |
SQL file structures
SQL file structure outputs in 2 different file types: DDL and DML. Both file types contain the .sql files for their respective applications, questionnaires, and sub-forms.
- DDL files contain scripts to create the database table where the exported fields are displayed in column format.
- DML files contain scripts to insert or modify field values in the database table.
Column |
Relational Structure |
Flat Structure |
ContentID |
ContentId |
Not present |
Tracking_ID |
The field is part of the same master table for both schema types. |
First_Published_Date |
First_Published_Date |
First_Published |
First_Published_UserName |
First_Published_UserName |
Not present |
First_Published_DisplayName |
First_Published_DisplayName |
Not present |
Last_Updated_Date |
Last_Updated_Date |
Last_Updated |
Last_Updated_UserName |
Last_Updated_UserName |
Not present |
Last_Updated_DisplayName |
Last_Updated_DisplayName |
Not present |
Text |
The field is part of the same master table for both schema types. |
Numeric |
The field is part of the same master table for both schema types. |
IP Address |
The field is part of the same master table for both schema types. |
Record Status |
Shows Integer |
Shows Value |
User Groups List |
Mapping table |
Shows name only, delimiter-separated |
Record Permissions |
Mapping table |
Shows name only, delimiter-separated |
Image |
Mapping table |
Shows name only |
Attachment |
Mapping table |
Shows name only, delimiter-separated |
External Links |
Mapping table |
Shows name only, delimiter-separated |
Matrix |
Mapping table with Enum table |
Shows value only, delimiter-separated |
Values List |
Mapping table with Enum table |
Shows value only, delimiter-separated |
Voting |
The field is part of the same master table for both schema types. |
z_metadata |
Present |
Not present |
Assume that you have an application, AppA, with a level of AppA, in the solution with an alias name of AppA. This application contains several fields including an Attachment field, Text field, Sub-form field, and a Values List field. When the smart data publication runs, .sql or .csv files are published, depending on the output type selected in a publication.
The exported files are named using alias values:
Applications: "AppAlias_LevelAlias."
Sub-forms: AppAlias_LevelAlias_SubformAlias
The application AppA uses the file name AppA_AppA, and the subform uses AppA_AppA_Subform.
Who can publish data?
Through an access role, you must have Read rights to the Integration: Manage Smart Data Publication page. Read rights also allow you to download the smart data publications.